It's been difficult to keep up with the blog lately, so I apologise for that. I've recently started freelancing for a children's company, and right now the deadline is fast and furious. Also, I'm excited to say that Devon Rose will be selling Fall items to Sweet William in Williamsburg Brooklyn. It's a beautiful boutique (and Bronagh offers an amazing selection) so we are every honored to have been asked to be carried there as well. I cannot offer the pieces that I make for brick and mortar shoppes on my Etsy, but I will make sure to photograph them for the blog (that way if you're in the NY area, you know where to go:) These orders and freelance work will be taking up all my time for the next few weeks, so my Etsy's have been a little neglected. I'm going to be putting them in vacation mode soon, and then reopening with all new Fall pieces for late August/early September. Devon Rose will be offering a greater size range as well! I have two new, blue-eyed beauties to model with Devon (they are size 7Y)
That's great news, congrats Emily! I'm sure your clothes will be selling fast and furious too!
aww! thanks so much, Rheea! You are the sweetest:)