
Raven and the Evil Queen

raven and dad

 Even though she changed her mind a million times after she decided to be "Raven" from "Teen Titans
 Go" I was super excited to be able to coax her back into her original idea this year. Once again, I
 find myself being grateful for my awesome fabric connection (thank you, Britex!) I found the perfect
 cloak fabric and it was all cake from there....much different from her Pikachu costume I made her
 last year (see bottom pic)

raven 5

raven 2

evil queen 6

I was a reworked "Evil Queen" with the aide of the most genius and wicked crown EVER! It 
was handmade by Alex at OuterLab completely out of leather. I added some of my pieces from 
my new women's wear line, Leathertongue and DONE!

evil queen

solarized halloween

 Isaac shot this crazy pic of us trick-or-treating in Northbeach right as the sun was going down....


 Devon's costume from last year...Pika Pika PIKACHU!!!

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