Last night we spent some time with our neighbors who have a 2 1/2 year old daughter, Hailey that Devon just adores. Watching them play together really reinforced the fact for me that she needs to be spending a lot more time with other toddlers (instead of just hanging out with clothing obsessed mommy and WoW obsessed daddy all the time) I've also noticed that Devon definitely adopted a favorite toy of Hailey's, a little baby doll. That's when it hit me that she doesn't really have one besides a cabbage patch doll (it was mine from the 80's) My mom kept it for me to give to my daughter one day. Besides that, she has tons of stuffed animals of every sort. I have to say...I've always been more into animals myself, but who am I to push that on her? So, I've found the perfect doll maker..on Etsy..of course!
this is Betsy
these little cuties are from lulushka and are just about the most adorable dolls I've ever seen. I am in love with those little faces and the clothing she puts them in is just too cute for words!
this is Emma
..and this is Henry!Now that we solved the doll dilemma, how does one go about finding more real life tiny friends? Isaac suggested that we find a church, but attending church for social reasons only, seems a little weird to me. I've never really been a religious person. It's not that I don't believe in God, it's just that I very seldom think about it, and I do not subscribe to any sort of man made religion. In the end, we decided that was not for us. It would be so much better just to be able to put out an ad that reads:
WANTED: Super cute, styley couple with friendly toddler between the ages of 1 to 3. Must love fashion, dogs and cheese.